
Liebster Award 2015 (I have no idea what this is!)

          So apparently, I have no clue what this 'Liebster Award 2015' thing is all about but I'll give it a try and see how it all works! So I had been nominated by my online bestie Lena and her friend Judy (Bubble Pandas) to do this more of a 'tag' thing. So based on Lena "Basically, whoever tags you asks you a bunch of fun questions and once you answer them, you create more questions to give to the people you tag". Yup I'm that lazy to explain what this really is and I think she explains it better than I could.

Credits to Lena and this post that she used, here are the rules:
  • Write a blog post and reveal 11 interesting facts about yourself
  • In the same blog post answer the questions designated by the blogger who nominated you
  • You must also nominate other new bloggers for the Liebster Award
  • Give your nominees a list of questions they have to answer

Soooo..let's just pop right in it!

11 Interesting Facts About Me

  1. When I was younger, I wanted to be a construction worker, just like bob the builder, weird right? I wonder what was wrong with (alliteration hehe) me at that time like wow okay?
  2. I had gained almost 9kg in the past year, *blaming all the chocolates and pizzas* (you could never resist them anyways!)
  3. I could never start working on my homework until midnight (especially the big ones) but still manage to finish em and get good grades :D (maybe except for biology because no one likes it) #procrastinationftw 
  4. You know how people couldn't leave their house without their phones, for me its my lipstick or lipbalm, never wanna go out with chapped lips, they are gross ewww
  5. I tried to dye my ends of my hair last year to a lighter shade of brown but I guess it failed and instead made it darker (note: always go for a shade or two lighter than the actual shade you want)
  6. I wrote 4 songs so far (that I am satisfied with) and I write them anywhere and anytime.
  7. I suck at doodling but I think I'm good at actual drawing and painting and those stuff 
  8. I kissed a boy (cheeks only) on valentines day that I didn't really know
  9. Till now, I'm still a really shy kid especially in school, and teachers would mention it in all my reports to talk more in class
  10. I think I can sing well but I never sang out loud in front of anyone other than my parents who are super annoyed because I'm basically singing 24/7
  11. I don't eat beef, mutton, goose, duck, and a lot more 'normal' type of meat
Time for da questions from Lena and Judy!

1. Where are you from and one thing you love about it?
  • I'm from a little yet big city called Hong Kong, I love how modern yet historical or maybe old it could be, like a really modern skyscraper might be next to a post-war architect, isn't that cool?
2. What is your favourite junk food?
  • My favourite junk would probably be Starbucks' frappuccinos, I guess you do count it as a junk food. But it's life, despite how unhealthy it is, I still drink it often.
3. Are you a procrastinator or are you the opposite?
  • I could possibly be the biggest procrastinator maybe not, I procrastinate till midnight (apparently I have a book report, vocab quiz, maths quiz and a Chinese assessment tomorrow and I still haven't done anything)
4. Favourite social media platform?
  • Hmmm this is a tough one, I really can't decide between YouTube, Instagram and Facebook, I mean I go on them the equal amount of time each day. (Basically telling me to choose between Shawn Mendes and Luke Hemmings)
5. Why did you start blogging?
  • I don't really know the answer to this question, its like asking a fangirl why did they started getting obsessed with this one celebrity.
6. What is your dream? In other words, if you were given one wish, what would you wish for?
  • I really have no idea, if you were asking the fangirl Joyce then probably meeting 5SOS and Shawn Mendes, the nerdy Joyce would be to get straight A's, and the me me ummm world peace maybe because this war is really freakish
7. Do you have a hidden talent? If so, what?
  • I could actually sing well (I guess), hehe but I never sang loud in front of any of my friends or sing in a really weird tone/voice, never seriously 
8. What's your favourite animal?
  • Penguins, like OH EM GEE they are SHOOOO cutie ahhh *dies*
9. If you were to live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
  • Probably London because of their LANDAN accent *dies again*, and all those architects are fabulous, fish n chips too lol
10. Favourite quote?
  • "Some people have crooked teeth, some people have broken fingers, and I've got a back that has my initial on it" -Shailene Woodley
11. Would you rather have a pet unicorn or dragon?
  • Pet unicorn, dragons just scares me.

7. and youu!

1. What's your current hair colour, and if you could dye it what colour would it be?
2. What's something you can't live without?
3. Favourite present you received?
4. What's something you like to do alone?
5. Goals you want to achieve this year?
6. Favourite piece of clothing and why?
7. Biggest lie you had ever told?
8. Something you are proud of doing?
9. Favourite city?
10. Last time you had cried?
11. Most embarrassing thing?

So thats all people, have a lovely day or maybe valentines day not so sure #timezoneproblems anyways bye!


  1. Thankyou for the nomination! I've just posted mine x

    1. Thanks for letting me know, you have a really pretty blog btw! x
